Sunday, October 09, 2005

He Fatty Pt. 2

While on vacation, I finally had some time to sit down and actually read.

One book I actually got to finish was the book "I Fatty" by Jerry Stahl (author of Permanent Midnight).

Mr. Stahl seems to have found a kindred spirit in Rosco Arbuckle. Both found their lives turned upside down by substance abuse.

Jerry Stahl took the form of a novel to act as a voice of redemption for Fatty. A somber yet highly entertaining book seen from Fatty Arbuckle's eyes about his rise and fall from super-star celebrity status.

In addition to being a pretty engaging story, the book also gave a good survey of early Hollywood and in particular the Edendale/Silver Lake area where Fatty got his start. Roscoe lived, during much of his career, in Silver Lake on Adams st. and first worked for Max Senette at Keystone studios, also in the area.

The book was an enjoyable page-turner, but also a bit of a downer.

On to the other book I've been trying to get through but just haven't had the time, Fortress of Solitude by Jonathen Lathem. So far, this book is very well written and enjoyable. If you haven't added this to your library, do it soon.


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