Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Roll Bounce

After getting back from our trip, Jenny and I felt like just taking it easy and checking out a movie. We had seen the preview for Roll Bounce a while ago, and I thought it had some style to it, and anything that has the song Lovely Day in it can't be a complete waste of time.

This would have made a great movie to break in the beginning of summer instead of the end of it. If marketed better I could have totally seen roller skating to be the old school fad of the moment. Its kind of like Lords of Dogtown light.

The movie had a good aesthetic to it, and the music was solid. As I said, Roll Bounce featured one of my favorite songs of all time "Lovely Day" by Bill Whithers (if you can track it down, Clarence Carter does a good version too). If that wasn't enough, the song "Superman Lover" by Johnny Guitar Watson also made an appearance. I could have closed my eyes and felt that it was all worth 8bucks. Unfortunately the soundtrack fails to provide many of the original versions of the songs and instead substitutes them with what are reviewed as inferior versions. Fortunately, the movie was visually stimulating as well. The kids who played the main characters, including Lil Bow Wow were fun to watch and occasionally they belted out some good lines. Yeah, Lil Bow Wow actually played the character with integrity. The kid can kinda act.

The dude who plays Sweetness, the arch nemises of the main characters is annoying as hell. Almost to the detriment of the film.

The story was fluffy, but I really don't mind a formulaic feel good movie from time to time.

All in all, the film had its faults but was as much as I could've hoped for. If you want to be reminded of the good old days when school was out for summer, go check it out.

To get your own skate on, old school style, check out Moonlight Rollerway in Glendale.


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