Monday, September 12, 2005

You Know, For Kids!

Keep a lookout for a new toy store opening up in the neighborhood. It will be called Monkey House Toys and located at 1618 Silverlake Blvd. The space used to house a Yoga studio. The space doesn't look anywhere near ready, but signs up in the window mark the coming of this place. They currently have an online store which carries a pretty wide variety of stuff. At first sight, I thought the place would focus on the latest fad of Designer Toys, but when looking at their site (which could use a solid design revision) the products look pretty diverse.

While mentioning kids oriented shops, I must mention I finally stopped by Zanzebelle while it was open. I love it, and the neighborhood kids seem to as well. Check it out when you have a chance. If you didn't read the previous posting about Zanzebelle, scroll down and look for the Giraffe in the yard.


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