Sunday, August 28, 2005

Ghosts of Edendale

Not sure if this movie is available in any local video shops, but I found it on Netflix.

This, seemingly straight to video, independent horror movie about ghosts haunting the land where Tom Mix's studio once stood, is mildly entertaining at best. Anyone who hasn't been introduced to this bit of local lore might find it an amusing introduction.

The editing and pacing is erratic and confusing. The acting isn't horrible for B-grade horror. Paula Ficara, the female lead deserves to be in something more substantial (although I'd advise her to avoid trying to play homeless insane people ever again). The effects seems to be where the creators of this movie put most of their effort. Some effects are pretty successful, some not so much so.

I discovered this film while researching Tom Mix for the aforementioned Mixville shirts. The production company responsible for this feature named themselves Mixville Productions.


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