Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Is this Kansas? This isn’t Kansas, is it Dorthy?

So if you live in Silver Lake, you’ve probably spotted the golden vortex hovering inside a courtyard along Silver Lake Blvd. But if you’re like me, you’ve probably only driven by, rubbernecking as you avoid smacking into the SUV in front of you.

Well, I finally mustered the nerve to venture into the swirling cloud of Gold. No, its not the express route to Oz, its yet another odd architectural experiment brought to you by the good folks at M&A (materials and applications). Built out of translucent golden mylar buttoned together with….well big buttons, the structure envelops the participant in aura of warm yellow tints. Its kinda like if Frank Geary made party tents. The big bails of hay accentuate the mid-west twister innuendo as well.

The instillation is titled Maximillians Shell and was designed by Benjamin Ball and Gaston Nogues (I think I want a child named Gaston….or at least a dog). There is a heady description of the piece just outside the entrance to the courtyard if you still need some help understanding what makes people do such things. M&A seems to create a new instillation every 5 or 6 months, so keep on the look out for more bending of time and space by this crew, I’m happy to see that they’ve been able to keep their space and find it a welcome (if not sometimes perplexing) addition to the area.

M&A is located at 1619 Silver Lake Blvd.


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