Thursday, July 14, 2005

Diving Rock

A few other albums I'm likin right now:

The new Foo Fighters is suprisingly good. I'm not saying that I should expect anything less then infectious power-pop from these guys, but when i heard it was a double album with the second album being a collection of "Acoustic" songs I could have swore I heard a car crashing some where. But honestly both albums do them justice. The first rocks as hard as any real hard-core band could ever hope to, but yet still remains radio friendly in its hooks and foundations. The second set, takes more hints from Elliot Smith, Nick Drake, and even the Radar Bros. then from what I expected.

The Mae Shi are a band from LA that I've been meaning to check out for literally years. Somehow I got on their mailing list about 3 years ago and ever since I've been curious about them, but have never managed to pick up an album or catch them live (even though they played a month long residence at spaceland only 1 measely block away from me. Fuck i'm old.). They just recently won best Hardcore band in LA by the LA Weekly. I finally managed to pick up both their last full length release as well as their relatively new EP. I liken these guys to Brainiac, Deer Hoof, Jesus Lizard, Melt Bannana....and maybe a few others. If you have an ear and stomach for a glob of intermitant cubist noise bursts, evened out by some super catchy rock beats and hooks then these guys are gonna put a grin on your face. It takes work and patience, but there are some amazing songs in the insanity. I still haven't managed to see them live, and I think as they mature they will build a college following that will find them playing larger venues.

The Little Barries are a band that I was clued into from of all places, by a KCRW newsletter. So far I'm on the fence with these guys. They are either the next big thing.....or just a fairly good Anglo R&B rock band. One thing I know is that this stuff sounds good loud and will have your head bobbing.


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