Urban Canvas Pt. 2
The other day I told you about Jason Stadel and his Still Life in Memory piece on Glendale blvd. Today, I drove by and spotted The Bench. A standard issue park bench covered in yellow flowers. The flowers are each accompanied by a small vial of water to keep them fresh. But the real gem today, was finding Jason himself cleaning his space. When I approached the bench, I saw Jason spraying the painted wall behind it with water. Making sure it was clean and vibrant. I asked him if the bench was his piece and he nodded coyishly. I asked if it was o.k. that I take some pictures and he grunted a yes. The guy is deffinately not the social type. I had wanted to strike up a conversation with him, but respected his implied need to keep it on the downlow. Jason can be seen in the top picture.
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