Saturday, December 17, 2005

Poo Row

So I feel as though I must share an observation that I made this week.

I work in what I believe is called the Wharehouse district of downtown LA. During this week, consistently, at least once during my morning commute I witnessed a homeless person deficating publicly by the side of the road. Just simply dropping trousers on the sidewalk or even in the street and letting it loose with no sense of descretion or privacy. Friday took the cake when a man riding his bicycle stopped, unzipped, and began peeing while still mounted on his bicycle. Every freaking day! I'm not kidding. Even today, saturday, when my friend Huey and I drove down to the factory to pick up some free threads, a trucker (o.k. not homeless....but i think he fits into my general series of observations) began peeing in between his truck and a car.
And i'm not just talking about numero uno, I witnessed on at least three seperate occasions this week, a man doing the doo on the sidewalk.

I know this is a rather fowl topic to be reporting...but it just goes to show you how bizarre a typical day or series of days can be while simply driving into work.

Some other time I'll describe some more endearing subjects I witness from time to time on my way to work. But for now, I must simply bid you adoo.


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